Day 23 in the #NaPoWriMo Challenge

Words across the Oceans


Day 23’s optional prompt, was to take a chance, literally. Challenging you to find a deck of cards (regular playing cards, tarot cards, whatever type it didn’t matter), then shuffle it, and take a card – any card! Then you had to begin free-writingbased on the card you’ve chosen. Keeping on going without stopping for five minutes. Afterwards you then had to take what was written and make it into a poem. ~ viaTheNaPoWriMo Website

So with“Day 23’s Prompt”I have chosen to use some cards a friend gave me as a gift a few years ago… “Healing with the Fairies” Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Ph.D., so I chose a Card and wrote a Poem based on that Card!

Happy reading and hope you all enjoy!





There lies the conundrum
Looking back at me

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